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The Jehovah’s Witnesses believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel, which voids Biblical salvation which is salvation through the blood that Jesus, Son of God, shed on the cross for our redemption. They muddy the waters by mixing some faith with works which will not lead them on the road to eternal life without accepting the work Jesus did on the cross.



They eliminated hell all together to make it more appealing, and even blamed God if He would punish this way for our sin. Their reworded Bible (New World Translation) has plenty of false statement but they can't rewrite their whole Bible so true statements are left that go against their own doctrine. They even advertise other Christian versions such as King James are in agreement with them.



Jehovah's Witnesses' claim salvation and redemption but add "There are certain basic conditions that each individual must meet to qualify...” Official JW Website para 10 line 1&2 . They OMIT SALVATION by faith and grace and repalce it with works. The Bible says in Rom 11:6 KJV And if by grace, then is it no more of works... But if it be of works, then is it no more grace...Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God .


Statements such as: We are saved, Jesus died for our sins, we believe everything in the Bible are Jehovah's Witnesses' half-truths taken from the good reputation of the Bible, rooted in self works then changed to suite their own doctrine. Jehovah's Witnesses' doctrine for redemption of sin by an angel as Christ (man or animal as God for that matter) is blasphemy. OUR REDEMPTION IS GOD AS SOVEREIGN MAN NOT SINFUL MAN OR CREATED ANGEL AS GOD.




  • No holiday or birthday celebrations

  • No participation in flag salutes, voting, politics or war activities

  • No blood transfusions

  • Limited higher education

  • Limited contact with non-Jehovah’s Witness friends and family

  • Shunning of former Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • Forbidding critical thinking and disagreement

  • Forbidding literature critical of the group

  • Forbidding non-Jehovah’s Witness religious broadcasting and church attendance

  • Mandatory door-to-door proselytizing (converting)


Salvation is always my first concern as a witness so I strive to show Jesus as God and Savior and not get side tracked with their many differences, such as whether Christ was crucified on a stake, not a cross. The important good news gospel is more why Christ died not how!


Eph 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.


God Bless you in sharing the Bible!


Your friend, Bob


1) Item 5 Contriversial practices

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